Ben... I was really looking forward to see you yesterday morning... I had made chocolate truffles, the ones that Meg made last Christmas, and since I ran out of white chocolate, I tried making icing for the first time in my life. I used apple & cranberry juice--you introduced me to the world of cranberries, remember, and I thought you would love the taste of the icing! As I was making it, I was just imagining how you would compliment on it--you always had a sweet tooth!
I was also looking forward to giving you your Christmas card. It's a pop-up card with a sleeping Santa on it--when I saw it I thought I just HAD to give it to you! Just wanted to tease you a bit ;-) Who told you to always nod your head during our work meetings! =P
You know, Ben, when I arrived at work yesterday I was really surprised that you weren't already in. I thought maybe you had a physio appointment and would be coming in late, so as I sat and put icing on the truffles (i didn't have time in the morning to put the icing on), I was waiting in anticipation for you to walk in the door and be pleasantly surprised! Then Dale walked in, shooed me into the conference room, and I started to have a very bad feeling. My heart started pounding and I just had the urge to rush out of the room, but I stayed. Then the CEO came in. Then he broke the news. Then I broke down... I just couldn't believe my ears... I didn't want to believe that it was true...
Ben... you are the best work buddy anyone could ever have, and I feel so privileged to have been sitting next to you and seeing you every work day during the last 2-3 years. You know, when I first found out you'll be joining us, I was worried that I might lose my job cos you are such a smart guy!!! And you are indeed smart--you picked up MFC in half a month when it took me like half a year =P But you were never arrogant--you would always encourage me even when I thought I was the crappiest programmer ever. We got along just fine, and I just loved how we could just talk to each other whenever, and share lots and lots of lollies! Our little 'pantry' was never empty (mostly thanks to you!)... We also shared lots of fun flash games, funny videos, and endless conversations about our future career and what not... Oh, and the classic Olympic hats that won us the prize at the morning tea earlier this year--how I wish I had a photo! Why did you never send the ones you had to me? =(
When we were told we had to move out of our old room, our first thought was naturally anywhere was fine as long as we could still sit together! =) Luckily we were able to, albiet with a little wall between us that you transformed into our lolly stand, with ornaments! We have yet to build the crane that would transfer lollies from one side to another, and you still owe me a bristlebot! You helped me move everything across to the new room, since I only work 10 hours a week now, just so I didn't need to waste my working hours on packing and unpacking stuff! You would always get my payslip for me and leave it on my desk--thank you so, so much...
Ben, I will never forget the times we've shared together, although it was waaaaaaaay too short... I will never forget the time when you brought back hot chips from Linfield, and we were just eating chips (for lunch?!) and chatting away... And how you demonstrated your paper dart over the field! I had just asked you to show me how you did it again last week... I'll remember fondly of the times when we had our fire exit door open to let in the breeze, your papers flying everywhere, and my little heater going... I've always wanted to get you those paper weight things, but I never saw one that I thought you'd like... After so many years, we still haven't watched Transformers together over lunch like we said we would! I'll be missing your UFO lollies, the haw flakes, jelly beans, but most of all, just having you next to me so I can chat to someone whenever I want to, instead of just staring at my computer! =P I will miss seeing your quirky inventions, and hearing your stories. I'll remember the times we had at the last 3 Melbourne Cup functions at work and your funky hats... At the first Melbourne Cup you were still working casual and we just started to get to know each other... At the second you brought your lego dinosaur hard hat and won the prize... And at the third you brought your horse hat that won the prize, again! And me? I left work with nothing, lol...
Ben, you won't know how much I'm going to miss you... I can't imagine going in to work knowing that you won't be next to me anymore... I'm so sorry that I took for granted that I'll always see you after every weekend, after every holiday. I'm really sorry... I never told you how much I appreciated your friendship over the last few years. Thank you for the little kitty you bought for me on my b'day last year... We never ended up giving it a name cos 'Kitty' has already been taken by your kitty! I'm sorry I only managed to get you a card for your b'day... I feel so slack... I wish I did more for you... I wish I shared with you more about the one thing that mattered most to me...
Ben, you will be greatly missed by all of us at work, especially by the outcomes girls and me. I wish, with all my heart, that we will one day meet again...